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Fine Starch sieving tumbler screening machine flour industry apply

Fine starch sieving tumbler screening machine

Tumbler screening technology has been entering China mainland since 10 years ago. After many years of development, the rotary tumbler screening machinery entered a wide range of industries 5 years ago. For example, the tumbler screening machine has achieved good sieving results and large separating capacity in the fine starch industry.

Fine starch tumbler screening machine advantages:

Starch is widely used in many industries such as food industry and paper etc. industry. In view of the nature of its materials, the processing capacity with classical sifters is very low, and the maintenance cost is high. Since the rotary tumbler screening machine entered the starch industry, it has achieved excellent performance in many aspects.

1. The advanced screening principle of the vibrating tumbler screener makes its maintenance cost very low. Its three-dimensional motion trajectory does not produce vertical vibration, so the screen has a longer life. Other equipment component wear rates are also low.

2. The rotary sieve structure of the tumbler screener will not cause material residue in the screen corner between the sieve mesh and screen body. That means it can product quality.

3. Tumbler screener can achieve larger screening area and higher penetration probability. Among the round separators, it can achieve the highest output. According to our practice, single set tumbler sreener with a diameter of 1800mm can achieve an output of more than 5 tons/hour.

4. The tumbler screener can be designed as a double-layer screen with the same mesh structure, and its processing capacity can reach the effect of two tumbler sieving machines. This feature is particularly useful for users with limited venues.

Combined with the above sieving advantages, in the starch industry, the tumbler screener is indeed a good option.

For more knowledge and experience, please contact us to discuss.

Written by Mr.Jason

-Loreek Machinery

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